Same story, different day

According to Albert Einstein, Texas Turnpike is the definition of insane. In the last 5 years there have been at least three major projects proposed by TTC/Public Werks/their subsidiaries that have failed. The same questions and concerns keep coming up throughout the beginning processes, such as the feasibility study and route, and yet they stick with the same talking points and responses.
When TTC proposed the "Blacklands project" (also known as "Cotton Belt" and "Northeast Gateway") hundreds of people voiced their questions and concerns. The attached link is the minutes from one of the meetings and shows that the citiznes of that community (although MUCH larger than Cibolo) had the exact same questions we have. They also received the same non-answer/sales pitch we have received.
Final Meeting Minutes - Blacklands Project | September 4, 2014
Public Comments begin on page 25
*Special note: Look at responses to questions about communication, Environmental Studies, route, etc. Sound familiar?
Again, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - why does Cibolo think this "insane" company and this project is good for our future?