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Citizens to be Heard - COMMUNICATION

The following was read during Citizens to be Heard at the City Council meeting on April 26, 2017. During this meeting several citizens stood up to speak about concerns with the toll road project. As of June 28th, this citizen has still not received a response from the city.

In 2014, the citizens of Cibolo approved Bond Proposition 1, which designated $7,000,000, for improvements to 1103. The City of Schertz approved a bond at the same time, and TXDOT approved matching funds. At this time, TXDOT indicates improvements will begin in 2018 or 2019.

What does the Council propose to do with taxpayer dollars that have already been designated for improvements to 1103 if the Parkway Initiative is passed? Why has this part of the Master Plan of the city been glossed over by the Council, while they have pushed for the Cibolo Parkway project?

It is understood that without the toll project, 1103 would be developed similar to Schertz Parkway or 3009. Why can we not implement improvements immediately, and address new road development at a later date since there is already a desperate need for improvement to existing 1103? This is what the people of Cibolo have voted to do, why does the Council ignore the wishes already expressed by the vote of the citizens?

Communication was reported to be placed in the:

  • City of Cibolo newsletter

  • Facebook Page

  • City of Cibolo Online Page

In interviewing families in three different neighborhoods, the only indication of notification was the City of Cibolo Newsletter. Most people that were spoken with did not use the city’s online page or were unaware of the city’s Facebook page. Several Council members referred to citizens being notified by their HOA; however, there is a large constituent of the public that are not part of HOA’s, or their HOA had not communicated information on the tollway. IN addition, several council members stated that the toll road, blue ribbon committee meetings and other relevant information was communicated on facebook. Upon review of postings on official Cibolo pages this was found to not be the case. Please see attached chart.

  • Are there plans in the future to better communicate with the citizens of Cibolo?

  • How can we implement more dialogue with the citizens of our city?

  • The Texas Turnpike Commission and its assigns are willing to invest private capital, at no risk to the City, in pursuit of and the development of the Cibolo Parkway. This arrangement is to be evidenced by an executed Development Agreement by the two parties.

  • What will happen to this agreement if the Parkway is not profitable?

  • What responsibility will the City have for financial losses to Texas Turnpike Commission?

  • How has this been communicated to the citizens?

  • Do we have TTC’s track record building roadways in Texas?

  • What happens if TCC goes bankrupt or is financially unable to complete the new section of 1103?

  • Why was the agreement made in closed session of the Council?

  • Has a study been done to track usage of the corridor IH-35 to I-10?

  • Are there independent studies that show there is an immediate need to develop a new roadway to IH-10?

Additionally, this agreement affects more entities than just Cibolo and Texas Turnpike. Schertz, the AAMPO and TXDOT have all expressed their concern with the city’s communication practices regarding the toll road.

While this may become a significant route in the future, there is not current development on the new corridor that would warrant the building of this new track of roadway. An agreement has been signed without the prior approval of the citizens; however, we have learned the agreement will be rewritten to exclude the Schertz portion of the agreement. The Citizens of Cibolo are communicating with the council their concerns for this project. Please listen to the Citizens of Cibolo and place the development of the Cibolo Parkway Project on the ballot. Thank you for your consideration.

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